castillo anhedonia -- writings


A brief overview of the projects I am working on, hope to work on, have worked on.

Collaborative, multi-media worldbuilding project

This is a project where I (and hopefully other collaborators!) work on a worldbuilding project and explore different avenues of consumption, as opposed to my usual writing-centered lore dumps and stories. The idea behind this, is that the project would have written stories and lore documents, as well as music playlists, lore videos, and artwork produced to flesh out the world.

Solarpunk worldbuilding project--Pan-American Cooperative Network

This is a world I've been actively working on for the past ~2 years, when I was first working on my solo RPGs The Van Witch, The Sun Patrol, and The Sun Fleet. It is a solarpunk world set in our universe, after a series of climatic disasters rock Earth and cause the collapse of modern society--with an optimistic perspective on rebuilding and healing from past mistakes. I plan to continue to write lore documents for reference for TTRPGs, write stories in the setting, and create more solo RPGs that take place in this universe.

Futuristic science fantasy setting--THE KILOGEM PROJECT

This is my most recent worldbuilding project. It shares roots with the previous solarpunk world, with an unsurprising twist--that being a much more pessimistic and cynical perspective on humanity's efforts in the wake of disaster. Humanity is no more in this setting, but their legacy and chance at redemption are being carried forward by magichines, intelligent AI machines that were meticulously crafted by late human technomancers before the collapse of humanity using cold science, odd alien technology, and paracausal powers.

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Superhero story in a cyberpunk world

This setting is something I've been sitting on for roughly 4 years. Initially, I imagined this as simply a cyberpunk world. After getting into comic books in earnest this last year, I eventually felt that superheroes in a cyberpunk setting would be cool as fuck of a concept to write about. I have a dozen scattered PDF documents going over lore, some maps, and even a mostly finished solo roll-and-write RPG that I've worked on for this but never published anything officially. I want to write stories, flesh out the lore, and play some solo & regular TTRPG campaigns in this world. Additionally, I feel like this setting would be a perfect candidate for the collaborative project mentioned above.

Magicpunk Academia worldbuilding project

This is another unofficial project that I've worked on, mainly in the last 6-7 months. I had a pretty solid start with some lore documents that described some of the major appeals of this world, but the setting it took place in (my solarpunk setting) did not feel like the best place for this. I ended up scrapping the idea and most of the core concepts I used for this setting, ended up seeding my KILOGEM project. However, the idea of a magical school has always been a favorite of mine, and it is still somewhat embedded in my solarpunk universe via The Van Witch and associative resources. It's still a favorite, and I'm looking for any excuse to properly create a worldbuilding or lore project around this idea.